Classes and Events
2023 - 2024 classes To Be Announced by Email
Please email Dian and ask to join her class Notificatin Email List
Classes and Events
Dian's Wellness Simplified Classes
What You Won't Learn In Universities
2023 Classes
After almost 3 years of teaching zoom classes due to lockdowns
I am now teaching in-person classes!
Saturday, August 20th
to register go to
Best Western Hotel,270 South Street, Morristown, NJ
There will be hands-on practice in class
Cost $50
In this class we will be muscle testing nutritional points
to reveal nutritional deficiencies and to diagnose problems.
It is the most useful and powerful tool
one can master to care for their body
European doctors, Holistic Health Counselor, Clinical Nutritionists
and Herbalists use one variation of Muscle Testing or another in their practices
We will rotate partners as prctice in class.
Classes offered On-line
For Dian's Students AND Open to the Public
Missed a Class in real time?
Go to
to watch on your on time
Cost: $40 each
Virtual, Real-Time ZOOM Classes
Thursday Night Live Classes
Cost $40 each
What You Won't Learn In Universities
Dian's Thursday Evening Classes May - June - December, 2021
May 13 - Viral Infections, Part Three - Wrap-up - Reviewing What We Know About Viruses, the Remedies, What Is New About CV-19,And To Vax Or Not To Vax
May 20 - Detoxing Naturally from Chemicals, Heavy Metals and Vaccines - Natural Remedies, Strategies And Trilogies
June 10 - Iodine Rules! Not just for the Thyroid - Affecting every Cell, System and Organ
July 8- Amino Acid Healing - Together They Make A Protein, Individually Each Acts As A Medicine
July 22 - Using Natural Anti-Bacterials, Anti-Virals and Anti-Fungals -- Many Options, When To Use What, And How
TBA - Grandma's Most Weird Remedies - Enemas, Peroxide, Turpentine, Borax And More
TBA - Parasites, Part One, Worms: Round, Flat and Flukes - How They Get In, How They Affect Us, And How To Get Rid Of Them
TBA - Parasites, Part Two, Microbes, Amebas and Spirochetes - How They Get In, What They Do, And How To Get Rid Of Them
TBA - Curtail Premature Aging Naturally - Anti Aging Protocols
Natural Treatments not Working?
Registration and Class Descriptions
Call Dian with Questions or to register over the phone
973 267-4816
7 to 9:30 pm (Requires Zoom invitation)
JULY 8, 2021 7:00PM: Amino Acid Healing - Together They Make A Protein,
Individually Each Acts as a Medicine
You’re probably aware that about 60% of our working body is composed of water. Of the remaining 40%, half is protein, the rest is dietary fat.
Stored fat is made up of sugar and starch, used soley by the body for fuel. Our body is not made from this sugar fat.
Protein is made up of a combination of twenty-two amino acids.
In other words, our muscles, enzymes, hair, nails and skin, as well as our bone, blood, hormones,
and our immune system are all made up of protein, namely a combination of amino acids.
Our body would not exist without them.
Together, with dietary fat and water, they are from what we are made.
Individually, they can be used as supplements to repair and heal.
In this class you will learn about the essential, conditionally essential and non essential amino acids
and their uses as individual repair units.
You will find out how much is needed to replace the 25 million cells that die each second
and what are the best sources to obtain these vital nutrients.
(All credit / debit cards / EBT accepted via PayPal)
JULY 22, 2021, 7:00PM: Using Natural Anti-Bacterials, Anti-Virals and Anti-Fungals
Nature offers us many natural antibiotics from the plant kingdom that work powerfully against pathogens.
Knowledge of safe and natural antibiotics is more crucial
now than ever before as modern antibiotics become less and less effective
due to the growing threat of antibiotic-resistant germs.
Natural antibiotics even offer an opportunity to reverse antibiotic resistance by reducing the
use of pharmaceutical antibiotics to only the most critical cases.
Modern Medicine has little to offer by way of Anti-Virals.
Nature provides Anti-Virals in abundance.
As Dian always says (for over 17 years) at the beginning of her Nutritional Certifiction Course:
" You have no Pandemic or Epidemic to fear from what you will learn here!"
This class outlines the most potent antibiotic and antiviral supplements from around the world, what illnesses each is best suited to address,
and details how to use them effectively.
Dian reveals that unlike pharmaceutical antibiotics and antivirals, whose list of side effects grows
in proportion to their strength, natural antipathogens generally lack any side effects
and have no adverse effects on non-targeted bacteria, such as intestinal flora.
Offering a way to break free from the threat of antibiotic-resistant germs and improve the body’s immune system
and internal terrain, this guide gives each of us the ability to fight infections naturally.
Join Dian to learn more
(All credit / debit cards / EBT accepted via PayPal)
DON'T MISS: Grandma's Most Weird Remedies!
Enemas, Peroxide, Turpentine, Borax And More
Date and Time TBA
(All credit / debit cards / EBT accepted via PayPal)
Previous Thursday Night Classes Now Available On Demand!
Iodine Rules! Not just for the Thyroid
Affecting every Cell, System and Organ
Iodine is vital to the human body. It has gained notoriety in recent years because of the
direct connection to thyroid health. But wait - there's more!
This naturally-occurring trace mineral is found
in every tissue of the body; it is an essential element of good health.
But even as we learn more about the health benefits of this amazing mineral,
Iodine intake per capita in the U.S. has decreased dramatically. The reason are two-fold:
Since the 1970s we have depleted the levels of Iodine in our farmlands
while increasing our exposure of toxins such as bromide and fluoride in our food and water supply.
It's a deadly 1-2 punch: We are ingesting much less Iodine while increasing the intake of poisons
that inhibit our cells' ability to process iodine efficiently.
Today it is estimated that over 90% of Americans are iodine deficient.
Researchers have linked low iodine levels to life threatening chronic illnesses from
autoimmune disorders to cancer.
Iodine to the rescue! In this class Dian will introduce you to the many powerful,
positive therapeutic actions of Iodine.
It is a potent anti-infective agent. Antibacterial. Anticancer. Antiparasitic. Antiviral. Mucolytic.
No virus, bacteria or parasite has been shown to be resistant to iodine therapy.
You are going to learn to love iodine!
Experiencing problems registering online?
or call Dian at 973. 267. 4816
Detoxing Chemicals, Heavy Metals and Vaccine Residue, Naturally
Our bodies were not designed to clear the chemicals and metals we absorb in this modern world.
Our liver and other cleansing systems get overwhelmed and our health suffers.
There are many natural ways to help the body clear the damaging agents that can block our body's
systems and degrade our health.
This class addresses many of the detox methods Dian has used successfully with her thousands of clients
and students for the past forty years. Various Vaccine detoxes include the Heavy Metal and
Chemical detoxing remedies.
Several alternate trilogies will be given.
Plus, there will be a discussion of what may rid the body of the protein spikes
and what will block the RNA gene mutation of the current injection offered for COVID-19.
Experiencing problems registering online?
or call Dian at 973. 267. 4816
Thursday night, May 13, 2021
at 7 to 9:30 pm (Requires Zoom invitation)
Viral Infections, Part III, What We Have Learned about viruses in 2020
Plus: To Vax, or Not To Vax
The Viral Infections classes, Part On and Two that Dian gave in 2020,
taken by hundreds of people,
reflected her almost forty years of teaching about how viruses work
and how to naturally prevent or treat them successfully.
The current virus has proven to be no different than previous corona viruses.
It has affected healthier people as a cold, or a flu, while progressing to pneumonia
in the people less nutritionally sound and those with health risks.
This class has a quick review of the info in the first two classes, adds new
information, reviews the new remedies learned from 2020, the year of Covid-19,
plus, this class will discuss
the proposed Covid injections, in which case, data matters.
Experiencing problems registering online?
or call Dian at 973. 267-4816
Given Thursday October 8th, 2020
BLOOD SUGAR: The Cause of All Disease I See
In my nearly Forty Years of practice as a Nutritionist, I concluded nearly halfway through my career that
Blood Sugar was the cause, or at the very least, accompanied and exacerbated every condition
I have come across in working with my over 6,000 clients and over 800 students.
Of course obesity and weight gain are known to be linked to over-eating sugars and carbohydrate,
thus leading to Diabetes and the destruction of the pancreas...
but what about the other conditions people fall prey to?
I literally think of Heart Disease as Diabetes of the heart and vascular system,
Arthritis as diabetes of the Joints,
Bowel disease as diabetes of the Digestive system,
Autoimmune diseases as diabetes of the entire body and so on...
Plus, as if over-eating sugars and starches were not bad enough,
along with that behavior includes under-eating that of which each body is made,
protein and fats.
Therein lies the bigger problem.
If you manage your blood sugar, you manage your weight, your health and your life.
Join me to learn to understand how blood sugar
works in and on the body and how to manage it...
by Dian Freeman
Given Thursday, October 22, 2020
Viral Infections, Part One
For over 16 years, I have always begun the first class of my
Six-Month Nutritional Certification Course by saying:
"You will have no pandemic or epidemic to fear
from what you will learn here."
The Corona virus has been around since man first discovered viruses.
No matter the mutation, its structure and method of attack remains the same.
To prevent it is easy.
Everyone, especially those at high risk for catching it,
like those on immune suppressant drugs,
or stomach acid neutralizing drugs,
or those who have taken the Flu Vaccine, etc,
would do well to work hard to preventing a corona virus infection.
Any virus or bacterial infection would cause more problems for those at high risk.
How it is possible for the virus to cause blood clots and the lungs to fill with fluids?
Join me to learn these facts and the best way to prevent corona viral infections
and some of the traditional remedies that have been successfully used for eons
by those who do succumb to it.
by Dian Freeman
Given Thursday, October 29
Viral Infections, Part Two
Once learning how corona viruses cause damage to the body In the class
Viral Infections, Part One,
this class, Part Two, explores the hype surrounding the current Virus,
the risk factors for catching the virus,
the new remedies that have proven successful against it and,
the lessons learned for use against future 'Novel' viruses.
One thing is for sure, this is not the first attempt to cause a pandemic,
and it will not be the last.
Be prepared.
Knowledge dispels fear.
by Dian Freeman
Given Thursday June 25th, 2020
Signs and Symptoms, Part Two,
Your Body is Talking
7 to 9:30pm
This class lists many of the signs of nutrient deficiencies that present symptoms
that medical doctors often diagnose as disease.
For example, people commonly are taken to the psych ward of hospitals
or mental institutions as delirious then are found
to just having a Vitamin B12 deficiency.
We also will cover many the signs given to us that let us know
if an imbalance is occurring within us.
For example, excess ear wax is
considered a sign that the body is direly depleted in Omega 3 EFAs.
While white specks on the nails have several causes and when
connected with other signs they could point to a zinc deficiency
or a fungus over growth in the body.
This is very informative and serious class for those interested
in connecting the dots, the signs, that the body gives to us
to help to regain good health.
Given Thursday June 18th, 2020
Signs and Symptoms, Part One,
Face and Tongue Reading
7 to 9:30pm
This class is a lot of fun and interesting too. Make sure to have a hand mirror handy
to inspect your own face and tongue.
After taking this class, you will not look at someone's face,
even your own, the same way again.
Using both some Chinese and Western elements of face reading using their symptomatic expression,
you will start noticing how the face and the tongue can look very different from day to day.
They reflect what is going on inside your body.
The Chinese have even documented the very face shape
as reflection of a person's personality
and they use it in selection of a mate and in getting jobs.
Once you are exposed to this overview, you may be inspired to seek deeper knowledge
of these very legitimate health revealing tools used
by those educated in this form of diagnostics
Cholesterol, What is it Good For
Food matters little as the cause for a rise in cholesterol numbers.
The liver produces cholesterol in response to the body's needs.
It answers the body's request for Cholesterol to be sent to perform valuable and life-saving duties.
If cholesterol seems to be a high number, it means the body needs cholesterol's help.
We can help it do its task or stop it from helping.
I teach how to help it complete its task so it can return to normal.
It is not good idea to lower cholesterol when it has been called to help the body.
Cholesterol is a lifesaving natural substance.
It would not be in us if it were not needed.
Once the Cholesterol has completed the task the body needed it to perform,
the cholesterol will go back to normal.
Classes offered by Dian
Signs and Symptoms of Nutritional Deficiencies
Part One
Face and Tongue Reading
Signs and Symptoms
of Nutritional Deficiencies
Part Two
Your Body Is Talking
Viral Infections, Part One
Corona: A Virus is Just a Virus
Viral Infections, Part Two
COVID 19, Just Another Corona
Viral Infection, Part Three
What we learned from COVID 19
To Vax, or Not to Vax
The Benefits of Cleansing
Part One
Cleansing Systems,
Digestion and Elimination
The Benefits of Cleansing
Part Two
When and How to Safely Detox and Cleanse
Bowels, Liver, Kidneys, Lungs and Skin
The Benefits of Cleansing
Part Three
Heavy Metal, Chemical and Vaccine Detoxes
pH Balancing
To alkalize or not to Alkalize.
When too much is too much
Keeping a Natural Medicine Chest
Alternatives to OTC Drugs
Using Natural Anti-Bacterials,
Anti-Virals and Anti-Fungals
-When, What and How to Use
Grandma's Most Weird Remedies
Enemas, Peroxide, Turpentine, Borax ad more
Sexual Hormone System
Part One
PMS and Female Cycle
Sexual Hormone System
Part Two
Fertility, Birth, Menopause and Prostate
Blood Sugar
Part Two
Applied Kinesiology
Part One
Muscle Testing Nutritional Points
Evaluating for Nutritional Balance
Applied Kinesiology
Part Two
Different Techniques
and Manifesting
Iodine Rules !
Not Just For The Thyroid
Affecting Every Cell
Every System and Organ
Amino Acid Healing
Together, They Make a Protein
Individually, Each Acts As A Medicine
Part One
WORMS: Round, Flat and Flukes
How They Get In
How They Affect Us
How To Get Rid Of Them
Part Two
Microbes, Amebas and Spirochetes
How They Get In
How They Affect Us
How To Get Rid Of Them
Addressing Premature Aging
Natural Anti-Aging Protocols
Natural Treatments Not Working?
Part One
You May Be Missing The 'Top Five'
This Series Organizes A Holistic Health Plan
By Placing The Steps in Order
Natural Treatments Not Working?
Part Two
Detox, Repair and Rebuild
This Series Organizes A Holistic Health Plan
By Placing The Steps in Order
Natural Treatments Not Working?
Part Three
Treatment Trilogies
This Series Organizes A Holistic Health Plan
By Placing The Steps in Order
Universal Questions and Answers
Q & A
Vibrational Energy Overview
Part One
Nature's Vibrational Tools
Energy Overview
Part Two
Electro-Magnetic Vibrational Tools
Blood Chemistry
Part One
Reading Medical Blood Tests Naturally
Covered in Alphabetical Order
Blood Chemistry
Part Two
Reading Medical Blood Tests Naturally
Continuation of Alphabetical Order
Blood Chemistry
Part Three
Reading Medical Blood Tests Naturally
Continuation of Alphabetical Order
....And Many More to Come
Autoimmune Symposium
Sunday March 10, 2019 11-5pm
Knoll Country Club East, 1130 Knoll Road
Lake Hiawatha, NJ 07034
Music, Food, Vendors, Speakers, Cash Bar
Keynote Speakers
Burt Berkson, MD
Ed Leong
Dian Freeman
Bret Hartman, DC
for more information and Tickets
go to
Symposium given by Denise Otten, author of Curing Courtney
For Dian's Facebook video interview on
Denise Otten's Alternative Health Talk show
March, 2019
Go to:
Event Snapshots
Dian Event Speaker at Health Freedom Conference 2009
with Daryl and friend in Hunderton County
Keynote speaker, Dian Freeman of Dian's Wellness Simplified,
May 18th, 2014, fundraiser for the
Promise of Hope Foundation , Dance for the Cure,
speaking on Alternative Treatment's for Cancer and dancing the night away.
May 18th, 2014, fundraiser for the
Promise of Hope Foundation , Dance for the Cure,
Dian Freeman Keynote speaker
Dian Speaking at the opening of Barbara Morris'
NEW YOU Health Center in Sparta
Cooking with Donna and Dian
October 24th 2012, 6:30-9pm
November 17th 1-3 pm
We just are having WAY too much fun -- Join Us
No-grain Baking
Sugar-free Cheese Cake Grain-free Muffins Almond flour crackers
ASD (American Society of Dowsers) Conference June 2012
Dian at the Wellness Simplified table
Darrell Brann making spheres
Adhi Two Owls and friend
Christina Lynn Whited's One Sprit Festival - May 2011
Dian and Brenda
at Wellness Simplified Booth
Christina Lynn Whited's One Sprit Festival - May 2012
Christina and Dian at Christina's One Spirit Festival
Yet another Wellness Simplified booth
ASD - American Society Of Dowsers Conference, Vermont, June 2011
Christina Lynn Whited and Dian at Christina's Spiritual Detox Booth
at ASD Conference, Lyndon, Vermont
Christina Lynn teaching at ASD
Dian In Dorm at Lyndon College at ASD Conference
Darrell Brann with Harmonics of Healing CDs
Crystal Healing
Last Night Dinner at ASD Conference, Vermont
Fairy Falls Outing
Hosted By Christina Lynn Whited, May 2011
Dian and Christina Lynn with Fairies and orbs 2011
Frank and Cujo with tiny fairies and orbs
Jean with small friends 2011 at Fairy Falls
Muscle testing class 2011
Dian Speaker at Hunderton County Health Freedom Event
New Jersey Natural Health Practitioners
2006 Christmas Party
(Held at Dian's Wellness Simplified)
Sharon and Darryl Dian and Gabriella
The President & the Director
of NJ Natural Health Professionals, NJNHP
Vivian and Theresa
Megan, Francesca, Suzi and Christine
Dr. Indriani Maity
Dian and Dr. Glen Gero, Founder of NJNHP
Merry Christmas!