Nutrition Certification Course
Click in the center of the video screen to view Dian's message
Go to: Class Dates "There is no epidemic or pandemic to fear
Next Six-Month Course begins
Every other Sunday, April, 2024
Noon to 5pm
Best Western Hotel
270 South Street
Morristown, NJ
Every otherTuesday and Wednesday Nights
April 2024, 7-9:30 pm
Click in the center of the screen to view Dian's message
Since the lock-down, Dian was only giving her course in real-time on Zoom.
These classes are interactive but will be video taped so a student who starts the course late,
or if a student misses a class, they may take it by video in order to catch up with the course.
The reward of teaching this course
is the satisfaction of knowing that I have helped develop
scores of qualified people trained to keep
traditional holistic practices alive
despite the obvious political and economic forces
that are attempting to censor all such information.
RSVP for Spring Session, April 2024, NOW !
973 688-7050
will be taught every other Sunday starting April, 2024
Noon to 5pm
A Real -Time Zoom Course will
begin October 18th and 19th, 2022
very other week 7pm-9:30 pm
The evening classes will be divided in two
and taught on two consecutive nights
Call Dian at 973 267-4816 for questions and to register
Former students, please contact me about retaking the course
or a class of the Course here and there.
Former students can always take the course again, and again,
for free.
Zoom works by invitation
I must have your name each class
Former classroom at Dian's Wellness Simplified Center
Seats 60 students
1500 Mt. Kemble Avenue, Morristown, NJ
Now permenetly closed due to 2020 lockdown for Covid
Dian in class in her holistic center -
Morristown, NJ , Spring 2018
Dian in Wellness Simplified Holistic Center - Fall 2017
Dian Teaching Fall/Winter 2015/2016
Program classes held at Dolce Hotel and Resort, Basking Ridge, NJ
Dian with some of the students
in the Fall/Winter class 2014
Program classes held at the Old Mill Inn, Basking Ridge, NJ
Congrats to Terry and Toni 2019 Graduates !
(Toni drove from Virginia every other weekend for class )
Spring 2024 Nutrition Certification Course
begins April, 2024
Day classes covering different stand-alone topics are being held
on Saturdays at the Best Western Hotel in Morristown.
Call or Email Dian to be put on her class email notification list.
These Classes will also be available on zoom
They are open to the public
You do not have to be a student of the certification course
to attend these classes
Go to the Classes and Event page to see these offerings
and to the register page to register for them
Course Snap Shots
Dian teaching the Spring 2018 Course
at Dian's Wellness Simplified, 1500 Mt. Kemble Ave., Morristown NJ
Graduates of Fall 2018 Course
Graduates of Spring 2017 Course
Dian's Sunday course meets in person every other week,
two times a month for six months
The Week Night course is a repeat
of the Sunday course
but is held on Zoom the
Tuesday and Wednesday Nights
following the Sunday classes
two times a month for six months
Fall/Winter 2022 Class Dates:
(Subject to change due to weather, conferences or emergencies)
Class Sunday Tues/Wed
Class 1 Nov 20 Nov 22/23
Class 2 Dec 4 Dec 6/7
Class 3 Dec 18 Dec 20/21
Class 4 Jan 8 Jan 10/11 (2023)
Class 5 Jan 22 Jan 24/25
Class 6 Feb 5 Feb 7/8
Class 7 Feb 26 Feb 28 / Mar1
Class 8 Mar 12 Mar 14/15
Class 9 Mar 26 Mar 28/2
Class 10 Apr 16 Apr 18/19
Class 11 Apr 30 May 2/3
Class 12 May 7 May 9/10
Course Snapshots
Dian and Yvette Maria
Taking a class break in new office space
Fall 2017
About the Course
Dian has been teaching this course for over eighteen years
with over 850 graduated students.
All students receive free a nutritional consultation with Dian (a $500 value)
and a free follow-up meeting within the first year
Half price consults with a free follow-up each year after
plus free phone follow-ups as long as needed.
All people practicing holistic health are considered naturopaths be they nutritionists,
holistic health counselors, health coaches, herbalists, hands-on healers, energy healers,
NDs or the any of the myriad holistic titles available today.
None of these practitioners are recognized nationally or by
States as licensed practitioners.
Certifications or diplomas simply state a person has completed training.
There are on-line schools and universities that claim national certifications
and doctorates for those who pass their open-book tests.
However, they do not have Department of Education accreditation,
nor credibility as schools.
As such they are not recognized by any state for license or certification.
They are teaching businesses just like Dian's Wellness Simplified.
The titles conferred by these businesses carry no weight legally
they simply designate that a person has been trained.
They are not a license to practice as national or State license
are gebnerally required for holistic practices. There are some exceptions
Many of Dian's graduates are practicing in NJ and several other States.
Dian and students milling about in main office space
There is always plenty of food sitting out at class break time
Dian with Mary
The most valuable and credible certifications are of those being taught by
a practicing practitioner
with decades of experience working with clients.
This is how Dian teaches: from her four decades of experience !
Experience, when shared, is more valuable than open book on-line tests
or training by those with little clinical experience
There are a very few universities offering
accredited diplomas in holistic nutrition.
Bastyr and Bridgeport are the only accredited Holistic Universities
However, even graduates with accredited university diplomas
or doctorates are not recognized
as State licensed or certified practitioners,
Nutrition today, as taught in most colleges and universities (other than Bridgeport or Bastyr)
is not the holistic nutrition that in the past was known as Clinical Nutrition.
Dian was trained and certified as a Clinical Nutritionist back when being a nutritionist
meant one who used natural tools to cure disease.
She is also certified in many other modalities.
Dietetics has replace what was traditionally known as nutrition.
Dietetics has been renamed as nutrition in most colleges and universities.
Dieticians are medically trained and sanctioned.
Dian began her study in the new field of nutrition at its inception in the 1970s
and has seen, practiced and lived its many evolutions.
Few practitioners are still practicing who have been so thoroughly trained as Dian,
or have as much experience with so many clients and students
Dian's course covers not only how the body works but also the food, supplements
and modalities she has successfully used to bring the body into healthy balance.
By contrast, most university 'nutrition' courses are taught from `nutrition' books
written by dieticians who are not holistic, their claim is they are
'Medical Nutritionists'.
The training dietitians receive (medical nutritionists), for the most part,
is the opposite of what Dian teaches in her CHHC course.
Unfortunately, unlike 10-15 years ago, today medical doctors only hire dietitians
as their in-office `nutritionists'
because of their shared medical orientation.
Rarely will a medical doctor hire a holistic nutritionist
unless the doctor practices integratively.
Each student of Dian's course receives free nutritional consults
Former students receive personal and business nutritional guidance
and mentorship for as long as they require.
Dian's naturopathic training began with clinical nutrition in the
late 1960s into the 1970s and she added
courses and certifications in many other modalities through the 1980s and 1990s.
Dian is still teaching in order to make sure this information is not lost to history
due to the new revisionist “nutrition” (dietetics) that is so prevalent today.
About a third of the students who take Dian's course do so
in order to learn how to maintain
good health for themselves and their families.
Another thrird are looking forward to practicing nutrition with Dian's mentorship
Anothe third will be adding nutrition to their current professional practices.
Among these who have taken Dian's course are Moms and Dads,
retirees, medical doctors (integrative), nurses,
chiropractors, dentists, psychotherapists, massage therapists,
physical therapists, energy therapists, and other professionals in the holistic field.
Call Dian to Register
973 267-4816
Experts estimate that a staggering 98,000 people die from
preventable medical errors each year.
More Americans die each month of preventable medical
injuries than died in the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
Source: Within health care hides massive, avoidable death toll
"In response to medical inadequacies and pharmaceutical damage,
drugless practices have a growing following in the U.S. with the advent of
Naturopathy, Holistic Health, Herbalism and other natural therapies."
~Dian Freeman
Go To:
Nutritionist or a Naturopath Tuesday & Wednesday Nights
Congratulations Graduates !!!
Yippee ! Graduation - Congrats Danielle !
If you interested in being notified about future courses and classes
taught by Dian...
please call Dian at 973 267-4816
or email at
to ask to be put on our Email notification list.
If you would like to reserve space in Dian's Nutrition course
call and to hold your space and
to set up your free student consultation with Dian
or have any questions or concerns
please call Dian at 973 267-4816
Dian Teaching Winter 2014
(showing off my NJ boots)
There are no papers to write.
It is adults who are taking this course
and they are taking it because they want to learn.
I trust their decision as to how much they wish to put
into its study and how much they want to get out of it....Dian
The course is given on Sundays and is scheduled to begin:
Sundays In person and Tuesday and Wednesday Nights online Zoom
November 20th, 2022
or the night course will be held live on Zoom
Tuesday and Wednesday
November 22nd and 23rd, 2022
"There is not a epidemic or pandemic to fear
because of what you will learn here"
About the Certification
Graduates who take the tests and final exam will be Certified in Holistic Health
Graduates receive a certificate as a
Certified Holistic Health Counselor, CHHC
Graduates who do not wish to take the tests and final exam can
graduate as a Holistic Health Counselor, HHC
Only the graduated students who have earned a CHHC,
Certified Holistic Health Counselor,
Are eligible to continue at Wellness Simplified
to take advanced programs
About fifteen years ago nutritionists and health practitioners who
had obtained the CNC, IIN, NDs
and other on-line course certifications elsewhere continually
asked Dian to teach them how
her practice grew to be so successful.
They felt the education they had received or the exams they had taken
had not really prepared them
to be hands-on nutritional, naturopathic or holistic counselors.
After a few years, Dian realized that everyone would benefit from her course
so she opened it to the public.
"I have learned more from my decades of experience with thousands of clients
than I ever learned in the many courses or classes I took or books I have read.
Experience counts !"
~Dian Freeman
This course is training for those who want to work
in the natural health field,
or for those who just wish to learn from Dian's decades of experience.
Dian's Wellness Simplified will be a business mentor of those
who go into practice for as long as they need
and will help her clients and students with their health for as long as they need
For those who just want to be supplement salesmen, or purveyors of predetermined
one-size-fits-all diet programs, any certification or designation is adequate.
For those who are interested learning how to deal with
and treat each individual client as a unique person
with unique needs using a bevy of modalities
combined with a personalized optimal program
this is the course to take and Dian's
CHHC is the correct designation to earn.
Dian at teaching desk March 2012
Dian teaching Summer 2014 and Winter 2014
This is a 6-month 12-Week Certification Course
(The course meets for six months two times a year)
In Person Sundays 12-5pm
On Zoom Tuesday & Wednesday 7-9:30pm
To be truly trained in a field, it is important to be taught in-person
by trained teachers
who have had, or have been trained by a practitioner with,
decades of experience in the field.
Books do not teach, they inform, inexperience practitioners
can only parrot books.
Books teach generalizations, they do not teach
how to personalize protocols for each individual person's needs.
Realizing this, I eventually agreed to teach this course.
And, it has been very rewarding to do so.
I hope you can join us.
Dian teaching, December, 2007
Each student will also receive free private nutritional consultations and follow-ups with Dian
Join Us!
Learn to be a Naturopath
from full-time practicing nutritionist,
Dian Freeman,
with decades of clinical experience
and over 15 years teaching this program
with over 850 graduated students
12 weeks - 6 months
$100 deposit to hold space
Study for a career in holistic health
learn how to maintain good health and
prevent disease
for yourself, your family and your friends
The goal of this program is to prepare each student
to begin their own holistic practice or to learn how to regain their health and prevent disease.
After the course, Dian"s Wellness Simplified will mentor interested students in the evaluation of their clients and in the business of nutrition until the student feels confident to practice alone.
Students and former students get special discounts on all events products and services at Dian's Center.
Advance and teaching programs are being designed for graduates to continue their education
Business meeting will be given bi-monthly which will include mock consultations for practice.
In program classes there are weekly tests covering the material learned the week before including the contents of assigned textbooks
All students can repeat missed classes or those they wish to take again at no extra charge. Five to ten seats will always be left open in each class for former students to sit in.
Attendees have included Medical Doctors, MD's; University graduated Naturopathic Doctors, ND's; Chiropractors; Psychotherapists; Physical Therapists; Massage Therapists; Energetic Healers; Dentists; Nurses; Personal Trainers; Colon hydrotherapists; drug reps; dieticians; aestheticians; those who wish a new career; moms, dads, retirees and people who want to learn how their body works to stave off illness and premature aging for themselves and their families
Program auditing certificates as a Holistic Health Counselor, HHC, available for those who do not wish to take the exam to practice as a Certified Holistic Health Counselor, CHHC
Go To : Many take this course to add nutrition to an existing practice
Sign up online Others take it to go into business as a Holistic Practitioner
Nutrient depletion has lead to a nation of people trying to function
with chronic low-grade illnesses often made worse by the
pharmaceutical drugs taken in the effort to seek relief from these conditions.
Dian Teaching Winter 2010
Nutritional Certification Course Description
For those who have expressed an interest in taking Dian's nutritional program for a
Certified Holistic Health Counselor, CHHC:
Accepting deposits now for In-Person and Live streaming, interactive Zoom classes
starting Sunday, November 20th in person
and again in the evenings on zoom Novmber 22nd & 23rd
for the Winter 2022 course
Economists have determined that the natural health field is the fastest growing industry in the U. S. today. They project that this trend will continue for the next 10 years. Dian personally can attest to this truth because her practice continues to grow year after year.
Unfortunately, there are more people needing health advice
than there are practitioners qualified to fulfill that role.
That is one reason why Dian has chosen teach a course sharing her experience and success in the field of nutrition. She has trained approximately 850 students in the last Seventeen years many of which are currently in practice. Those who have elected to become consultants using the HHC or CHHC solely as their certification are doing well and can count on mentorship at Dian's Wellness Simplified for as long as they want.
Each graduate of Dian's course will receive the a Holistic Health Counselor, HHC for auditing,
or a Certified Holistic Health Counselor certification, CHHC,
for those who elect to take the final exam which is required for students
to continue forward
for training by Dian as advanced students or teachers.
These certifications attest to the completion of 180 hours of training given by a naturopath, Dian, with decades of experience practicing Holistic Health. In-class or live virtual training by a full time consultant carries more weight in the nutrition field than either on-line schools with on-line open book exams. Those who take Dian's course receive the benefit of her decades of experience exclusively in the field of nutrition and holistic health
Many who already received the CCN, CNC, the IIN, ND or other certifications prior to taking Dian's course have told us that they do not feel ready or qualified to start a nutritional practice. These practitioners have chosen to take Dian's course to learn more about how to practice nutrition, recommending supplements, starting a nutritional business and how to become effective drugless practitioners. In fact, it is at the request of such practitioners that Dian started teaching this course. They asked Dian to teach them how she built such a successful practice while they could not. Referrals build a business. If what you do works, they will come.
The only way a holistic practice grows is from referrals of those who have successfully
met their health goals through practitioner guidance.
Dian is such a practitioner. She began by teaching other practitioners at their request but, eventually opened her course to the public.
Professional people from many disciplines take this course
to add nutrition to their existing practices.
The graduates of Dian's course include medical doctors, chiropractic doctors, dentists, nurses, dieticians, Naturopathic Doctors, those with a Masters in nutrition, psychotherapists, massage therapists, personal trainers, yoga instructions, moms, dads, retired people, people wanting to have a side business or a new career and those who just want to learn how the body works and how to keep it strong and youthfully healthy for as long as possible.
For 17 years Dian taught in person in Morristown, NJ. There was always limited seats available for new students. Seats were also reserved for former students who may wish to repeat the course at no cost or to make-up a previously missed class.
Now, because of the lock-down, Dian was only giving her course
in real time by Zoom.
However, Winter 2022 she is teaching her Sunday classes in Person in Morristown, NJ
While still teching the course again on zoom in the evenings on the following Tuesday and Wednesday nights
These zoom classes are live and interactive but will be video taped so a student who starts the course late, or if a student misses a class, they may take it by video in order to catch up with the course.
After the $100 deposit has been paid to hold a seat in the in-person classes , arrangements can be made to pay for the remainder of the course in six payments for those who do not wish to pay in a lump sum. Students who sign up with a friend, spouse or other family member are offered the second or third signer at half price. Family members of students are offered nutritional counseling at Dian's Wellness Simplified at half the consultation price.
This is not a pay as you go set of classes, but a full 6-month program.
Many, if not most, graduates of Dian's course either take it again one or more times (at no additional cost) or come back to repeat some of the classes. Students have appeared years later to re-take classes again and again throughout the years. We are always happy to see them.
Dian's graduated students are mentored by her for as long as they feel the need
in their health and in their business.
Monthly student continuing ed meetings are offered free to graduates of the CHHC.
Many newer books and much on-line information today are misleading, give misinformation or contain incomplete information and Dian helps sort it all out.
Dian's nutritional program will tie all the differing nutritional loose ends together thereby helping make heads or tails of the contradictions found on-line , in books on natural health and the varying 'professional' slants on nutrition.
Dian's Course will coverhow the body works, why it breaks down and how to fix it.
Also covered is Applied Kinesiology-muscle testing,
supplement and food protocols, how to conduct a consultation and run a business.
Plus, many of Dian's popular lectures
on body systems and health conditions are covered that can be used
by students to build their own practice.
For in-class students, snacks were always sitting out all day and students are welcome to bring their own snacks or some extra for the class. Rescheduling a class is possible if all the people attending the class are ok with the date changes requested.
Many former students are now Dian Holistic Health practitioners
The intent of all Dian's Wellness Simplified's programs and classes is to empower people to achieve self-knowledge and self-sufficiency on many levels. Health freedom and the political challenges to sharing nutritional knowledge will be explored and discussed. The role that vibrational energy plays in balancing the health of the body will be stressed in each class. The involvement of emotional factors in disease will be explored. Balancing of Body, Mind and Spirit is a most valid goal of natural healing.
The body can only right itself when all aspects of itself are balanced,
i. e., the physical, energetic and emotional aspects.
Dian's students are taught how to consult, advise, lecture and teach others to balance their body systems, and prevent disease through lifestyle changes, effective supplementation and better food choices.
For Dian, the reward of teaching this course is the satisfaction of knowing that she has helped develop scores of qualified people to share natural health knowledge in order to keep it alive despite the obvious political and economic forces that are attempting to censor all such information.
Dian encourages each student to learn how to "connect the dots",
be creative, initiate their own vision and develop their own style of practice
given the tools they learn from Dian's training, experience and successes.
Each student will also receive free health advice and half price consultations with Dian (Normally $500 and will be considered her client as well as her student. A simi;ar discount is offered to family members of students. The clients of students will also be offered discounted consults with Dian in order for the student to sit in and learn from such consultations.
Each class will have a lecture by Dian
with a packet of handouts that will be
given to the students to follow along in class.
Dian's lectures will cover the practical information one really needs to know to
practice holistic nutrition based on her training, years of trial and error and decades of experiences
that Dian has gained in her practice.
A CHHC (Certified Holistic Health Counselor) certification will be awarded
to each student who completes the final exam at the end of the course.
The CHHC will specify that the student graduated and has passed a final exam
The certificates will be awarded by Wellness Simplified, signed by Dian Freeman
The certificate designates that the graduate has been trained by a
practicing Nutritionist with decades of clinical experience
Please let us know if you have any farther questions and if we can help in any way.
The course is very informative and a lot of fun and we hope you can join us.
Give us a call today at 973-267-4816. Hope to see you in class!
New Jersey does not officially recognizes any nutrition certification, CNC, CCN, HHC, ND, etc.
Since there are no recognized certifications or licenses required in NJ
there has been no contest to those advising in NJ
as long as there is no claim to be curing or healing, thus attempting to practice medicine
Course lecture topics and classes include:
Nutritional Overview - Blood Type Diet
Hormone Health- PMS, Menopause, Prostate
Fertility and pregnancy
Children's Health-Babies through teens
Brain Health- Dementia, ADD & ADHD, Cognitive Function
Blood Sugar and Inflammation
Diet and Diet Aids- High protein/Low carb
Burnout- Anxiety, Depression, Adrenal Fatigue
Digestion and Elimination
Cleanse and Detox
Allergies and Addictions
Chronic Conditions- Candida, Hypothyroidism, etc
Cardiac Health & The Dangers of Low Cholesterol
Keeping a Natural Medicine Chest
The ABCs of Health
Applied Kinesiology-Muscle Testing
Emergency Preparedness
Traditional Diagnostics
Essential Oils- Aromatherapy
Traditional Chinese Medicine- Overview
Dental Health- Amalgams, fluoride, gum disease
Nutritional Politics- Vaccines, the UN Codex , DSHEA
pH Balancing- Acidosis and disease
Cancer, Alzheimer's and other Acute Diseases
Course Snapshots:
Graduates of Summer 2018
Gul and her Family
Congratulations Graduates of Winter 2018
Graduation Celebration with sugar-free cheesecake !
Paula and Lisa setting up the class
Could not do it without them !
Bill, Mary and Priscilla with Dian Vanya and Will
Let them eat cake !
We celebrate graduation with sugar-free cheese cake covered in strawberries
A few of the 2018/2019 graduates
Dian Teaching
Winter 2016 at the Dolce Hotel and Resort, Basking Ridge NJ
Yipee !!! We graduated !!!
Winter 2015/2016 Class at Dolce Hotel and Resort, Basking Ridge
Dian Spring 2016 Franca, Stacy, Dian, Kim
Plenty of snacks, books and supplies available
Dian's desk with crystals and orbs are set up as students arrive 2016
Before is beginning to fill up
Dolce Resort and Hotel, in the Amphitheater, Basking Ridge, NJ
Graduating class Fall winter 2014/2015
Olde Mill Inn, Basking Ridge, NJ
A small but committed group
Congratulations Students Thursday Class - Fall Winter 2013/2014
Thursday classes are always smaller than Sunday classes
Graduation Sunday class October 2014
Sunday Class October 2014 Brenda with her girls
Congrats !!!
Dian with Christine and Joshua, October 2014
Graduation Thursday Class October 2014
Dian & Johna October 2014 Dian & Ian
Thanks for my new crystal ball Johna, I love it !!!
Dian with Class Spring 2014
Spring 2014
Spring 2014
Having fun with Thursday Class Winter 2013
Fall Winter 2013/2014 Sunday Group Graduation
Graduation April 2013
Taking a break..time for snacks
Dian Teaching Sunday 2012/2013 Winter class
Dian Teaching Thursday 2012/2013 Winter class
Loading in class at Old Mill Inn - Winter classes 2013/2014
Winter classes 2013/2014
Spring Summer 2013
March 2013 Classes have been moved to the Old Mill Inn
Outgrew my offices
Spring 2011
Fall 2011
Course held in my home 2010
Graduates Winter 2011
Spring 2010
Dian Teaching
Dian with Victoria and Joe
Snack time...taking a break
Anne working Brian resting
Spring 2012 Thursday Group
Winter 2012
Winter 2011/2012 Sunday class
Bret, Natasha, Susan Sunday class 2011/2012 Maxine with the DRs Shulper
Spring 2010 Sunday Class
Winter 2011/2012 Thursday Class
Melissa and Christina 2011 Terri 2004
Dian Teaching 2008
Spring 2010 Thursday Group
Sunday Class winter 2010
Thursday Class 2010
Thursday Class Winter 2009
Sunday Class 2007
Sunday Class Fall Winter 2007-2008
Barbara at break - there's always food setting out !
Linda and Ginger-Class Cutups
Food Break!
Marcia and Dian Linda and Dian
Thursday Class Fall Winter 2006-2007
Thursday Class Fall Winter 2006-2007
Thursday Winter 2007/2008
2007 Class Sunday
Winter Sunday 2007-2008
Winter Sunday 2007-2008
Fall Winter Sunday 2007/2008
Fall Winter Sunday 2007/2008
Annette and Mel discussing class notes Beverly and Dian at Christmas
Fall/ Winter 2006/2007
Saturday Class Spring/Summer 2006
Thursday Class Spring/Summer 2006
Thursday Class Spring/Summer 2006
Sunday Class Spring/Summer 2006
Jamie, Jen, Maria and Maria
Join Us, this Course is lots of Fun!
Graduation Snapshots
(sometime we manage to get documentation of graduation...sometimes photo technology fails us)
Fall winter 2013/2014
Some snapshots of Fall/Winter 2012/2013 Class
(Ipad not always function well for pictures)
Any information from Dian's Wellness Simplified is not intended to replace
competent medical advice.
It is offered for educational purposes only.
All information is based solely on our research, opinion and/or experience
and is not meant to be prescriptive.