Ondamed Biofeedback
In her book, Knockout, about treatments for her cancer,
Suzanne Sommers writes:
"I have had many Ondamed treatments.
In fact I attribute my ability to recover
from the trauma...to this device."
Kayla and LuAnn on Ondamed
Ondamed Treatment - Karita and Lainie
Ondamed is sooo relaxing
Burton Goldberg in Suzanne Somers' book KNOCKOUT explains Ondamed:
"Ondamed is a German biofeedback device that finds blockage in the
body - whether it be mental or physical - and relieves it,
putting the body back into homeostasis"
Ondamed Biofeedback (Click on topic )
For more information and testimonials go to the UK Ondamed website at:
Biofeedback Technology
The Ondamed® system, with components on the top, including the hand held applicator,
the neck applicator, and the frequency regulator.
Hand-held Area Applicator.
Ondamed Q & A
Q. We are searching for a good therapist for my husband and myself for pain, weight
and osteoporosis. Does the Ondamed increase bone mass, muscle mass or burn fat?
Do you have a device that measure the improvement in your therapy? Does the
Ondamed strengthen the articulation? How efficient is the Ondamed to treat pain?
Please reply to the below questions before we book appointments
Regards, MJ
A. Dear MJ,
Thank you for contacting us about Ondamed. I have seen many miracles derived from the
combination of Ondamed energy work and nutritional diet and supplementation. In fact I
am convinced that it is the most effective combination in healing today and will be the only
medicine of the future.
There is no device to measure improvement in natural healing, though the medical tests
and machines that medical doctors use to diagnose disease can show the lack of disease
when one is healed. There are also medical technologies to measure increase in bone mass.
These technologies often can be used to show the results derived from Ondamed
In my field the only measure of the effectiveness of drugless healing is the absence of
symptoms and the improvement of basic life force energy in a previously pain and
disease ridden body. For those in the natural health field, the proof is always in the
pudding, i.e., it is the results that speak for themselves.
Ondamed works differently on each person. I have seen true results of which I cannot
explain. Therefore, the best I can do to help you understand some benefits derived by
those who have signed on for a series of Ondamed treatments is to suggest that you
go to the Ondamed UK website to read testimonials of those who have had positive
experiences using Ondamed.
In the UK, Ondamed is recognized by, and even recommended by, the medical
establishment to be used as a healing tool. The vast majority of practitioners of
Ondamed even in this country are medical doctors. However, unlike in the US, in
the UK testimonials can be published about the healing benefits of Ondamed and
they can be shared and printed on the UK Ondamed website,
The UK site is published by those who sell Ondamed so, if you request more
information they will have a salesperson contact you. If you wish to purchase an
Ondamed machine this is how to do it. But, for more information on the effectiveness
of its results, it would be best to contact an Ondamed practitioner and speak to those
who have experienced its benefits.
I hope to meet you and your husband soon. We have been in business for many
years because of the effectiveness of our care.
Vashti on Ondamed 2012
ONDAMED and Energy Medicine
Anti-Aging Conference 2007
by Jim Oschman, Ph.D.
Inflammation is a key part of the would repair process, and is fundamentally an energetic phenomenon. The reason for this is that the key inflammatory molecules are free radicals, which are molecules that have an unpaired electron. Free radicals and other molecules such as histamines cause the swelling, heat, redness, tenderness, pain and loss of range of motion produced by inflammation.
Low levels of chronic inflammation arise because free radicals can leak from a site of injury to nearby tissues and start to break down healthy cells. This causes more signals to go out to the immune system, attracting more immune cells, which secrete more free radicals. This vicious cycle gives rise to “silent inflammation” and has been identified as the basic cause of many different diseases that were not previously considered inflammatory.
Many of these inflammatory conditions are classified as diseases of aging:
- Rheumatoid arthritis - Asthma
- Multiple sclerosis - Cirrhosis of the liver
- Arteriosclerosis - Bowel disorder
- Diabetes - Psoriasis
- Alzheimer's disease - Meningitis
- Osteoporosis - Cystic fibrosis
- Prostate cancer - Cancer
This discovery has led to a major shift in biomedical research. The study of silent inflammation is engaging many researchers around the world. I did a search of Pub Med, the database of the National Library of Medicine, and found over 50,000 references to the above disease when searched with the key word, inflammation.
It is obvious that a pocket of inflammation can become a barrier to the important processes just described: the conduction of the injury potential, diffusion of signal molecules and cell migration. In other words, the injury that is slow to heal can compromise the healing process.
The inflammatory process is taking place to some degree within all of us. It is an intelligent response of the body. In terms of prevention and longevity, our goal must be to find ways of resolving silent inflammation and maintaining our immune systems so they can rapidly repair the inevitable bumps and bruises and scrapes and scratches and other minor or more serious problems. Experience with various energetic approaches shows that the body is actually designed to provide extremely rapid healing: this is our natural state, our birthright.
There are several obvious ways of keeping our immune systems tuned up and ready to respond to injury or disease. The key is to maintain the quality of our tissues so they can conduct energy and information and allow for the migration of cells. A number of medical devices are able to locate and repair sites of silent inflammation. ONDAMED is such a device. It uses a sophisticated frequency technology that scans the entire body, locating and correcting communication pathways that are not functioning properly.
We have reached a point in healthcare where there are many options available to patients interested in restoring and maintaining their health. In my opinion, the patient of the future will define the medicine of the future by the choices they make. And the patient of the future and the medicine of the future will take advantage of sophisticated medical devices such as ONDAMED that can monitor the state of one's physiology and correct imbalances if they arise. Seeing the emergence of these technologies gives me great optimism for the future of medicine in general and of anti-aging medicine in particular.
January 2007
Jan doing an Ondamed treatment 2011
James L Oschman, PhD. and Judy Kosovich
Energy medicine includes a variety of diagnostic and therapeutic tools that are becoming increasingly popular worldwide and that are steadily entering mainstream medicine.
Matrix Regeneration is an approach that is emerging from our increasing understandings of how various forms of energy are used by the human body to regulate living processes such as healing. For example, an injury results in an electrical wave called the injury potential that triggers healing and regeneration; a number of modern therapeutic devices introduce comparable electric waves that stimulate natural tissue repair processes. It has also been discovered that injured cells emit light that is sensed by other cells
and that triggers both cell division and cell migration to an injury site. These biophysical phenomena
also help explain how various manual therapies stimulate healing.
The “living matrix” is the largest organ system in the human body. It consists of the extracellular matrix, i.e. the connective tissues and myofascial systems, and their extensions into the cytoskeleton and nuclear matrix of every cell. The matrix forms a continuous semiconducting network reaching into
every nook and cranny of the body. Neurons, skin, the intestinal lining, capillary walls, arteries,
immune cells, and even DNA are all components of this matrix. As a whole-body substrate for chemical, electronic, and mechanical signaling, as well as access to genetic information, the quality and integrity
of the living matrix is a major factor in maintaining optimal health, vitality, and longevity. This article summarizes the scientific basis for a variety of technologies that enable the physician to interrogate
the entire matrix and to detect and correct imbalances and thereby resolve health issues. Of particular interest is the application of the Vascular Autonomic Signal (VAS) to detect areas of the body that are physiologically stressed or that are in early stages of disease onset, when they are easier to correct.
Anti-aging medicine is becoming a major factor in healthcare worldwide, as evidenced by the growing popularity and global spread of the A4M conferences. Energy medicine is also growing in popularity because it includes techniques that are often capable of resolving medical issues that are difficult to diagnose or treat by other means. The public is attracted to energy medicine because the techniques provide excellent prevention. Moreover, the treatments are very cost-effective, are generally non-
invasive, and have few if any side effects. After a long period of skepticism, the science behind
energetic approaches is emerging as a rich and fascinating topic with major implications for
prevention and longevity.
As with anti-aging medicine, there are several major categories of practices in energy medicine. To be specific, energy medicine encompasses both hands-on or manipulative therapies (Table I) as well as an increasing number of therapeutic devices. Some approaches involve a combination of hands-on and therapeutic instruments. Basic biophysics and the living matrix concept are providing scientific understandings of the effectiveness of these approaches.
This essay focuses on therapeutic approaches that utilize biofeedback that informs both patient and practitioner. Such systems are instructive for the practitioner because they involve the integration of
both branches of energy medicine: touch and technology. There is a basis for these devices in the Vascular Autonomic Signal (VAS), which is increasingly being utilized for diagnostic purposes. The
VAS is a sensitive indicator of the condition of a variety of systems within the body.
The article begins with a description of the VAS and continues with consideration of its application
as part of diagnostic and treatment protocols.
Figure 1. The radial artery pulse
A discussion of the VAS begins with the work of French physician, Dr. Paul Nogier, who taught neurology at the medical school in Lyon, France. Nogier also studied traditional oriental medicine, which includes sophisticated methods of analyzing the radial artery pulse (Figure 1). In 1966, Nogier discovered the Vascular Autonomic Signal (termed the RAC in French, for Réflexe Auriculo-Cardiaque or Autonomic Circulatory Reaction) when he noticed that the radial pulse changed when he touched certain points on the ear of a patient. Subsequently, he discovered that the arterial system responds in a reproducible manner to a variety of changes to key physiological systems in the body. To be specific, the VAS is a rapid change in the tone of the smooth muscles in the walls of the arterial system throughout the body, mediated by sympathetic and parasympathetic neurons.,
Subsequently, he discovered that the arterial system responds in a reproducible manner to a variety of changes to key physiological systems in the body. To be specific, the VAS is a rapid change in the tone of the smooth muscles in the walls of the arterial system throughout the body, mediated by sympathetic and parasympathetic neurons., Distinct changes in the amplitude and other characteristics of the pulse take place when certain points on the ear are stimulated. This occurs consistently and is both repeatable and measurable by modern equipment. The response that is felt by the practitioner is a qualitative variation in the perception of the pulse that begins from 1 to 3 cycles after the stimulus begins and continues for about 8 to 15 cardiac cycles. Nogier found that there are four pulse responses to stimuli: no response, the weakening of the pulse signal (negative VAS), increase of the pulse signal (positive VAS), and a sharp pulse spike. These responses occur from colors, magnetically induced currents, sound frequencies, light waves, emotions, touch, substances, and electromagnetic frequencies. There is considerable medical interest in the VAS, as evidenced by five International Symposia, the most recent one held in Lyon, France in 2006. Several United States Patents and several diagnostic and therapeutic tools are based on the phenomenon. The method is sometimes referred to as Peripheral Arterial Tonometry.
Although the term "signal" as in the "Vascular Autonomic Signal" is widely used, many who use the system consider the term "response" as more accurate. A response is an answer to a question, and the VAS is the body's reaction or answer to a question posed by the introduction of stimulation into the body or into its energy field. For a discussion of the term, "energy field," see Oschman.
The VAS is extremely sensitive, and can be used to discover both the best treatment for a symptom as well as more subtle levels of disturbances in the organism. These can include blockages to the healing response, layers of pathology, the appropriate priority for treatment and even subclinical issues. The
VAS can be used both before and after a treatment to determine the accuracy of the diagnosis and the success of the treatment. In essence, the VAS is a very sensitive way of "listening" to the body. A wide variety of therapeutic schools around the world train practitioners to read the VAS and use it to define areas of the body under stress, the causes of the stress, chemical intolerances, and the degree of success of interventions. The VAS can also provide early warnings of subclinical issues and therefore provide the practitioner with the opportunity to reverse developing conditions at an early stage.
A number of devices based on the VAS are being incorporated into mainstream medical practice. They are generally non-invasive and are extremely sensitive for detecting the location of elusive pathologies
or serious medical conditions that are in early stages of development. The implications of these techniques for anti-aging and longevity are obvious.
One system is based on Peripheral Arterial Tonometry, an autonomic response of the cardiovascular system that can provide an early warning of cardiovascular disease. This application of VAS is a
device that is worn at home while sleeping. It diagnoses factors contributing to obstructive sleep
apnea syndrome.
A second device is used as an early warning for coronary artery endothelial dysfunction before symptoms begin to manifest. This system uses continuous monitoring of the pulse in the fingertip
with a preprogrammed calibration as determined by medical practitioners. It measures temporary changes in the cardiovascular pulse that occur naturally throughout the body when the autonomic nervous system is stressed.
A third technology has very broad applications. It consists of a non-invasive system that detects cardiovascular responses to electromagnetic stimulation at various frequencies ranging from 0.1Hz to 32,000Hz. The device supplements a physician's decision-making process, and is used in conjunction with knowledge of a patient's history and other clinical findings. The Ondamed® is a computerized programmable system that is used by a medical practitioner to deliver weak magnetic pulses of various frequencies to the body, during which time the practitioner detects temporary changes in the radial
artery pulse or VAS. This pulse response indicates which frequencies stimulate the autonomic
nervous system, leading to a VAS.
Many frequencies and ranges of frequencies have been correlated with particular conditions, tissues, organs, or areas of the body. The practitioner using the Ondamed® system scans through the entire range of frequencies delivered by a neck applicator to determine the frequencies most important to a patient. The location of the tissue or area that is most responsive to a particular frequency can be determined by moving the hand-held applicator over areas of the body. One advantage of the system is that sometimes the VAS can be detected before a condition has begun to manifest symptoms. This is particularly important for conditions that may prove life threatening if not caught early.
The frequencies can, in principle, be applied at any point on the body. In practice, however, it is convenient to use two magnetic coils in an applicator that rests loosely around the neck of a reclining patient. The system is designed in such a way that no current flows directly from the device to the
patient. Instead, microcurrents are induced in the tissues of the body by a pulsing magnetic field
delivered through the magnetic applicators that are encased in non-conducting plastic. There is
therefore no transcutaneous flow of current and no risk of electrical shock. The magnetic fields used
are comparable in strength to those naturally present in the body and in the environment due to the magnetic field of the earth. Hence there is no known risk of movement of metallic objects or implants in the body. The system has been used internationally for more than a decade without reports of adverse effects. There is considerable anecdotal evidence showing positive results, and the system has been used in small-scale trials and is in the early stages of clinical testing.
There are two primary mechanisms by which magnetic fields can introduce energy (microcurrents)
within the body, whether for diagnostic or treatment purposes. The usual textbook explanation involves the laws of induction: a time-varying magnetic field will cause charges in surrounding regions to move.
In living systems the primary charge carriers for low frequency electric currents are thought to be electrolytes: charged ions such as sodium, potassium, and chloride, which are abundant in blood and other body fluids. Another mechanism that becomes more important at higher frequencies involves
much smaller charged particles such as electrons and protons (hydrogen ions) that can be semiconducted through the living matrix, as described below. Semiconduction and magnetic effects arise in part because of the Hall Effect, an important physical phenomenon discovered in 1879 by
Harvard physicist Edwin H Hall.
Biophysical studies have shown that cells and tissues can respond to electrical signals that are far weaker than those needed to depolarize neurons, produce heating or cause ionization. Moreover, magnetic fields can cause dipolar molecules (molecules that do not have a net electrical charge, but that have an uneven distribution of charges) to bend or rotate or change their configuration. In other words, enzymatic processes and cell behavior are both field-sensitive.
The living matrix is a continuous physical network reaching into every part of the body. While this
“organ of form” has not attracted the same attention in biomedical research circles as other major systems, such as the nervous, circulatory, reproductive, digestive, immune, and other systems, the
living matrix is actually the fundamental material that forms all of the systems, organs, tissues, and
cells in the body. The living matrix concept evolved from the discovery that molecules called integrins traverse cell surfaces, joining the cytoskeleton of every cell with the extracellular or connective tissue matrix., Deep inside every cell, the cytoskeleton also connects to the nuclear matrix and to the genome.
Figure 4. A cell and its surrounding matrix.
Figure 4 shows a cell and its surroundings. Note the nuclear matrix within the cytoplasmic matrix
within the extracellular matrix. Molecular biologists have described the thousands of different
molecules comprising this matrix system. A prominent scientist from Johns Hopkins University
School of Medicine in Baltimore, Donald Coffee, and his colleague, KJ Pienta, wrote about this system:
Cells and intracellular elements are capable of vibrating in a dynamic manner with complex harmonics, the frequency of which can now be measured and analyzed in a quantative manner …These vibrations can be altered by growth factors and the process of carcinogenesis …a tissue matrix system consisting of the nuclear matrix, the cytoskeleton, and the extracellular matrix…is poised to couple the biological oscillations of the cell from the peripheral membrane to the DNA…
Fascinating research from Donald Ingber and his colleagues at Harvard Medical School shows that tensions in the matrix are as significant as chemical factors in regulating cellular activities. And the research summarized above indicates the significance of electrical and magnetic factors. Taken
together, the matrix and its energetic properties provide a mechanism for the semiconduction of
electrons and protons at various frequencies throughout the body.
One of the most prominent scientists to research electronic biology was Albert Szent-Györgyi, who received the Nobel Prize in 1937 for the synthesis of vitamin C. He observed that living processes are
too rapid and subtle to be explained only by slow moving chemical reactions and nerve impulses. To account for the speed and subtlety of living processes, he described in detail how the double bonds
in the backbone of protein molecules contribute free or mobile or delocalized electrons that can move extremely rapidly throughout the body. He viewed the protein fabric as the “circuitry” that conducts mobile electrons and protons. His key contribution was the identification of proteins as semiconductors. Migration of electrons can take place within the matrix far faster than the random diffusion of chemicals and nerve conduction that is measured in meters per second. Signaling with electronic and electromagnetic signals can be virtually instantaneous.
Until recently, these ideas have had little experimental support and even less impact in the fields of physiology and biomedicine. This has changed, however, because the reality of the semiconducting nature of proteins and other components of the matrix is providing the basis for a nanoelectronics industry, which is producing molecular and atomic circuitry., In other words, an entire global industry
is turning to biology for inspiration in miniaturization of electronic devices.
The above descriptions of the VAS and the living matrix lead to a consideration of how oscillating fields can be introduced into the body for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Once the critical frequencies have been identified with the VAS, various signals can be introduced for therapeutic purposes. For example, shortly after his discovery of the VAS, Nogier described a set of frequencies and their
harmonics that could be used constantly in routine medical practice, as they are preferentially
recognized by the body. They enter into resonance with specific tissues and exert specific effects.
These frequencies are used both for diagnosis and for treatment.
The Ondamed® system described above (Figures 2 and 3) has applicators of various shapes and sizes that allow the magnetic pulses to be delivered to particular areas, e.g., the abdomen, a joint, the spine,
or a muscle.
The use of a range of frequencies of electromagnetic pulses to provide therapeutic stimulation is well known. The first devices to be approved by the Food and Drug Administration for this purpose were developed in the early 1980's by Brighton, Bassett, and others, who demonstrated that fracture `non-unions' could be stimulated to heal using tiny electric and magnetic fields. A review of this widely used technology was published by Bassett in 1995. The methods were so successful that they were tested on other tissues. It was found that each tissue responds to a different frequency. Currently a variety of pulsed electromagnetic field and implantable electrical stimulators are available to stimulate the repair of delayed union of fracture (improper healing within 6 months) or fracture non-union (failure of union after
6 months).
There are now hundreds of devices for electromagnetic stimulation at various frequencies for nerve and muscle, pain relief, incontinence, evoked responses, bone and wound healing, and reduction of stress. Some of these are biofeedback systems.
Optimum health, vitality, and longevity depend on maintaining the structural and functional integrity of
our internal energetic systems. Technologies employing the Vascular Autonomic Signal (VAS) can be used to diagnose subtle levels of disturbances in the organism and determine the best treatment. This can include blockages to the healing response, layers of pathology, the appropriate priority for treatment and even subclinical issues. In essence, the VAS is a very sensitive way of "listening" to the body. A
wide variety of therapeutic schools around the world train practitioners to read the VAS and use it to
define areas of the body under stress, the causes of the stress, chemical intolerances and the most beneficial interventions. The VAS can also provide early warnings of subclinical issues and therefore provide the practitioner with the ability to reverse developing pathologies.
James L. Oschman, PhD is the President of Nature's Own Research Association, and is a leading
authority on the science behind a wide variety of energy medicine therapies. He has a BS degree in biophysics and a Doctoral degree in biology from the University of Pittsburgh. He has worked in major research labs around the world, and his scientific papers have been published in the world's leading journals. Jim is also the author of Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis, published by Churchill Livingstone. This book gives the most ardent skeptic a logical and scientifically sound basis for a
variety of therapies. Elsevier Health Sciences published Jim's second book, Energy Medicine in Therapeutics and Human Performance.
This research provides new insights into the ways the body can function in peak athletic or artistic performances and in profound therapeutic encounters. Jim's research has led to useful insights that
can help all health care professionals better understand and advance their work and explain it to others. He has also become involved in the development of cutting-edge medical devices and other applications of the emerging concepts of energy medicine. Jim is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board for the National Foundation for Alternative Medicine, and is the recipient of their Founders Award. He has also received a Distinguished Service Award from the Rolf Institute. You can learn more about his work on his website: http://www.energyresearch.us
Judy Kosovich is an Associate with the law firm of Swankin and Turner in Washington, D.C. Her work includes the areas of patents, health policy, and FDA`s regulation of medical devices, especially in the
area of energy medicine.
This may be how pathogenic micro-organisms that either do not belong in the body or are in excess in a body are eliminated or brought back to balance by the energetic manipulation of bio-feedback as
practiced with Onamed.
There is evidence from Russia (the articles are being translated and will become available March 2008) showing that applying the right biofeedback frequency will stimulate the metabolism of pathogens to the point that it becomes so overactive that the micro-organisms outgrow their energy supply, wear themselves out and then starve. They basically die from over-activity and over-eating. Frequency can not kill them, they just get too happy by gorging themselves.
There is not a resonance catastrophe causing the death of micro-organisms (although it is probably close to reality), I would say that there is a stimulation of metabolism in the bacteria to the point that their growth outstrips their supply of nutrients. At the same time, there is a stimulation of the metabolism in the immune cells, and they become activated to clean up the infection, which is their natural job description.
by James Oschman, PhD
Any information from Dian's Wellness Simplified is not intended to replace
competent medical advice.
It is offered for educational purposes only.
All information is based solely on our research, opinion and/or experience
and is not meant to be prescriptive.